What can be a trite, rote, traditional religious statement (followed by the response "and with you") is one of the most profound messages of grace in the Bible: The Lord be With You. God is with us. The holy righteous God is with sinful but redeemed people. God is with us. He is the reason and source of our strength and courage but so much more. Why?
1) "God is with us" means that God is for us, the way a Dad is for his child. Jesus is for us as our advocate, his blood pleads for us, Jesus died for us, his righteousness is credited for our own. His life was taken in exchange for ours. Jesus drank the overflowing cup of wrath for us, in our place. God is with us.
2) It means that God is in us. His Spirit dwells in us. Jesus abides in us. He is the treasure stored in earthen vessels. God is with us.
3) God is around us, he is our fortress, our stronghold, our eternal dwelling. The kingdom of God is among us. God is with us.
4) God is in front of us, He leads, goes on ahead, like the Good Shepherd who leads his sheep to green pasture and in the valley of the shadow of death. He is a pillar of smoke leading by day and fire by night. God is with us.
5) God is behind us. He is the power that drives us forward when we can't even take a step in our own strength. God has our backs, he shields us from the enemy. God is with us.
6) God is beside us, a friend that walks along with us. Jesus is the friend of sinners, our companion, our brother. He suffered what we suffer and then some, he knows our trials. God is with us.
7) God is above us, our Lord, our King, our Sovereign and Master. His will is our highest calling, his perfection and glory what we look up to, his majesty towers above us as we worship below. Jesus was raised above us on the cross, lifted up in sacrifice for our sin. God is with us.
8) God is below us. He is our rock, the cornerstone upon which all rests and everything worth building stands. Jesus is our foundation, our lives are built on him and our work will be judged based on how we build on that foundation below us whether gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or stubble (1 Cor 3:10-15). God is also below us and He is already waiting for us in the depth of our worst trials, grief, anguish. He is there below in the depth of our darkness. He is below us, God holds us in his mighty hand, he carries us where we can't go ourselves. Jesus descended to the depths in his death and burial, defeating the grave below. God is with us.
9) God still stands before us in time as our creator and already waits ahead of us as our eternal destiny. Jesus is the first and the last. The Alpha and Omega. The great I Am. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.
10) Look down at the smallest subatomic level, between the minute basic particles of creation, among muons, gluons and leptons, God is fully there. Look out over the vast unending stretches of galaxies, star systems, globular clusters, nebula, and pulsars, God is fully there. And where two or three people are gathered in the name of Jesus, there he is in the midst. God is with us.
11) In the most vile hellhole of sin and evil on earth, God is present to save any lost soul who would repent, call on His name and believe. From among the worst of sinners God calls and redeems the heroes of the faith. In the prison cell, on the battle field, in gulag, concentration camp, slave market, house of prostitution, crack house, meth lab, porn shop God is present and immediately answers the prayer of the converted soul asking for a savior. Both victims and oppressors. On the spot forgiving sin, imputing righteousness, depositing the Holy Spirit, adopting sons and daughters, beginning the work of sanctification he will finish. In the places of abomination among crowds of outcasts and sinners Jesus made friends. God is with us.
12) There will be people from every tongue, tribe and nation praising Jesus at his return, because he was with them, bringing hope and redemption to every land. God is with us.
13) When we sleep and awake he is there giving new mercies every day. God is with us.
14) God is in believers, around us, above, below, beside. God came before everything, is with us during everything, and will be there in eternity for everything. God is with us.
15) God gives us the strength needed to fight our battles, the wisdom to make choices, the love needed to serve others, the will and desire to obey Him. He is the vine that causes fruit in our lives to grow. The sower that plants the seed of the word that flourishes in our hearts. He is the author and finisher of our faith that can move mountains. He multiplies the meager loaves and fishes confounding all laws of supply and demand. He is our healer and physician, curing the most grievous wounds in our souls. He is our comforter, our greatest teacher, our best model. He is our light in darkness, our hope in despair, our greatest joy. Our focus of worship, the rightful owner of our highest devotion and deepest love. The only one we should fear and tremble before while at the same time He gives us rest and peace. God is with us!
16) God speaks to us when we daily open His Word and make worn the pages of the Bible. He listens in the solitude of our prayers when we're on our knees. He exalts in our worship with arms outstretched. He laughs with us in our greatest joys, cries in our anguish, guides when we plan, searches us out when we are lost, answers when we ask, is found when we seek Him, opens the door when we knock. He shows patience as we slowly grow, picks us up when we fall, disciplines us in love when we rebel. God gives us each breath and our daily bread. He clothes us better than the flowers of the field. He delivers us from evil and sometimes from ourselves. God is with us!!!!
Why can we can be strong and courageous? Because God is with us! The only question we must answer moment by moment is this, "Are we with him?"
Will we live our lives Coram Deo, before His face and in His presence? Are you with him?
The Lord be with you.
1) "God is with us" means that God is for us, the way a Dad is for his child. Jesus is for us as our advocate, his blood pleads for us, Jesus died for us, his righteousness is credited for our own. His life was taken in exchange for ours. Jesus drank the overflowing cup of wrath for us, in our place. God is with us.
2) It means that God is in us. His Spirit dwells in us. Jesus abides in us. He is the treasure stored in earthen vessels. God is with us.
3) God is around us, he is our fortress, our stronghold, our eternal dwelling. The kingdom of God is among us. God is with us.
4) God is in front of us, He leads, goes on ahead, like the Good Shepherd who leads his sheep to green pasture and in the valley of the shadow of death. He is a pillar of smoke leading by day and fire by night. God is with us.
5) God is behind us. He is the power that drives us forward when we can't even take a step in our own strength. God has our backs, he shields us from the enemy. God is with us.
6) God is beside us, a friend that walks along with us. Jesus is the friend of sinners, our companion, our brother. He suffered what we suffer and then some, he knows our trials. God is with us.
7) God is above us, our Lord, our King, our Sovereign and Master. His will is our highest calling, his perfection and glory what we look up to, his majesty towers above us as we worship below. Jesus was raised above us on the cross, lifted up in sacrifice for our sin. God is with us.
8) God is below us. He is our rock, the cornerstone upon which all rests and everything worth building stands. Jesus is our foundation, our lives are built on him and our work will be judged based on how we build on that foundation below us whether gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or stubble (1 Cor 3:10-15). God is also below us and He is already waiting for us in the depth of our worst trials, grief, anguish. He is there below in the depth of our darkness. He is below us, God holds us in his mighty hand, he carries us where we can't go ourselves. Jesus descended to the depths in his death and burial, defeating the grave below. God is with us.
9) God still stands before us in time as our creator and already waits ahead of us as our eternal destiny. Jesus is the first and the last. The Alpha and Omega. The great I Am. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.
10) Look down at the smallest subatomic level, between the minute basic particles of creation, among muons, gluons and leptons, God is fully there. Look out over the vast unending stretches of galaxies, star systems, globular clusters, nebula, and pulsars, God is fully there. And where two or three people are gathered in the name of Jesus, there he is in the midst. God is with us.
11) In the most vile hellhole of sin and evil on earth, God is present to save any lost soul who would repent, call on His name and believe. From among the worst of sinners God calls and redeems the heroes of the faith. In the prison cell, on the battle field, in gulag, concentration camp, slave market, house of prostitution, crack house, meth lab, porn shop God is present and immediately answers the prayer of the converted soul asking for a savior. Both victims and oppressors. On the spot forgiving sin, imputing righteousness, depositing the Holy Spirit, adopting sons and daughters, beginning the work of sanctification he will finish. In the places of abomination among crowds of outcasts and sinners Jesus made friends. God is with us.
12) There will be people from every tongue, tribe and nation praising Jesus at his return, because he was with them, bringing hope and redemption to every land. God is with us.
13) When we sleep and awake he is there giving new mercies every day. God is with us.
14) God is in believers, around us, above, below, beside. God came before everything, is with us during everything, and will be there in eternity for everything. God is with us.
15) God gives us the strength needed to fight our battles, the wisdom to make choices, the love needed to serve others, the will and desire to obey Him. He is the vine that causes fruit in our lives to grow. The sower that plants the seed of the word that flourishes in our hearts. He is the author and finisher of our faith that can move mountains. He multiplies the meager loaves and fishes confounding all laws of supply and demand. He is our healer and physician, curing the most grievous wounds in our souls. He is our comforter, our greatest teacher, our best model. He is our light in darkness, our hope in despair, our greatest joy. Our focus of worship, the rightful owner of our highest devotion and deepest love. The only one we should fear and tremble before while at the same time He gives us rest and peace. God is with us!
16) God speaks to us when we daily open His Word and make worn the pages of the Bible. He listens in the solitude of our prayers when we're on our knees. He exalts in our worship with arms outstretched. He laughs with us in our greatest joys, cries in our anguish, guides when we plan, searches us out when we are lost, answers when we ask, is found when we seek Him, opens the door when we knock. He shows patience as we slowly grow, picks us up when we fall, disciplines us in love when we rebel. God gives us each breath and our daily bread. He clothes us better than the flowers of the field. He delivers us from evil and sometimes from ourselves. God is with us!!!!
Why can we can be strong and courageous? Because God is with us! The only question we must answer moment by moment is this, "Are we with him?"
Will we live our lives Coram Deo, before His face and in His presence? Are you with him?
The Lord be with you.
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