One way to get out of a mental rut is to take a piece of common conventional wisdom and think of a counter wisdom. The exercise often generates insight into leadership or new ways for approaching old problems. For example, we hear this conventional wisdom "it's not about numbers", too often said after a disappointing turn out for a ministry event, bible study, camp, or concert where big numbers were expected. I understand the motive and thought behind this, but let's see where will it lead us if we take the contrary stance. What if "it IS about the numbers"?
It is about the numbers because:
1) When numbering people, each number has a unique face and soul created by God and for His glory. He numbers the hair on our heads because we matter to Him.
2) A big expenditure with little result is often poor stewardship. The saying, "if only one person was saved, then it was worth it" might be used as a cover for ineffective ministry. Expand it out, why not spend $1M to save one person, wouldn't that be worth it? What about $1B to save one person? Wouldn't that be worth it? Not if those same resources could be better stewarded and thousands of people could be saved by having a better organized and executed plan.
3) Numbers mattered to the Master who entrusted the talents to his servants and expected a return on the investment. The servants who doubled their money through risk and work were praised. The servant who buried his talent in the ground and returned the money was not let off the hook because "numbers don't matter." Matthew 25:14-30.
4) I am a number, and I matter to God. I am one of 7 billion, and yet I matter. And so do the other 699,999,999,999.
5) Jesus said, go into all the nations (plural!) making disciples (plural!). If the disciples only went to one nation and made one disciple would they have been obedient to the great commission? Would that have stood up to the Lord had they packed it in after going into a few nations and made a handful of disciples? Matthew 28:16-20.
6) Honesty in our transactions matter to the Most High. Proverbs 20:23 always blows me away, "The Lord detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please him. (NIV84)". The Almighty paid attention to the accuracy of a scale when one peasant sold a sack of grain to another thousands of years ago. Numbers matter to God in the daily economy of our lives, in our taxes, paying parking tickets, giving fair value in return for value, paying for what should be paid for. In our generosity toward God and others numbers matter!!
7) I'm glad that numbers do matter to God because otherwise the church would have stopped growing centuries ago, the gospel would have died on the vine, and I would not be among a multitude of billions who worship the Lamb of God, who died to take away ALL my sins (plural!!!) and the sins of the world.
Try it out. Take a tired old piece of conventional wisdom, turn it upside down, shake it like a pair of pants and see what coins fall out of the pockets. And let us know what you find.
Churches that don't count people but count the offering make a statement that money matters more than people. Numbers matter because people matter. It's not about just growing bigger, it's about more. Seeing more of God at work. More people know Jesus as their Savior. More disciples being sent into the world on mission. More or the world transformed through the power of Jesus. God works through people to bring glory to His name. Growth and reproduction are the signs or a healthy living church movement. Praying for MORE of Jesus in and through the student ministries at CTK this spring. To God be the glory.
ReplyDeleteSo good, BMAC. Thanks.